Arrive Logistics connects customers (e.g., Home Depot) who need to ship products with carriers (e.g., FedEx) providing truck services. Our sales reps decide whether to accept customer loads based on factors like market conditions, spread, contractual commitments, and more.
On average, it took 6-8 months for Arrive’s new sales reps to onboard. Training and management were a significant expense exacerbated by the company’s high turnover rate. Reps who finally learned the ins and outs were so burned out that they would leave before they even hit 1 year.
New users are expected to understand and utilitize Arrive's overwhelming load board in the first few months on the job
Arrive's user interface had a lot of tables. Stakeholders kept requesting more content in smaller viewports, leading to oversized tables. This resulted in screens with too much information, little white space, odd overflow issues, and a lack of data prioritization for our sales reps.
As part of a larger initiative to re-imagine how freight can be managed, the design team wanted a way to display content with more flexibility. We were looking to move beyond a table’s rigid structure and fixed cell sizes.
The Data Row component was a group effort, named and created based on different projects piloted by individual designers. I merged similar design patterns into a single component with its own set of behaviors and interaction states.
Our conversations on data row were so heated that we escalated this discussion to a smaller group of design leaders + me. As Data Row was intended to be a key component in our design system, it had to accommodate several use cases. It could display content, act as a to-do list item, function as a navigation tool, handle bulk actions, and more.
I turned my focus on interaction states and behaviors that fit everyone’s needs. We also weighed our options based on engineer feasibility and ease of update. Engineering input was vital for making our final decision.
While this was a low level of engineering effort, we ran into issues with our colors clashing. This solution required changes to our design system and made our designs look dated.
This solution looked modern and did not clash with our current colors. However, the engineers could not create the conditional corner radius within our timeline.
Our new Data Row checked all the boxes, minimizing the engineering level of effort while being able to scale and fit well with different types of content.
The team integrated the data row into all upcoming projects. New designs fit all required content without horizontal scrolling. Stakeholders and sales reps preferred newer designs featuring Data Row to the older tables.